Wie soll die „Siemensstadt 2.0“ in Zukunft heißen?
Eines steht bereits fest: Der Begriff „Siemensstadt“ wird auch in Zukunft den neuen Stadtteil prägen und einen eindeutigen Bezug zu dessen Historie darstellen. Wie der Name jedoch konkret lauten wird, entscheidet ein öffentliches Votum bis zum 15.02.2021 aus fünf verschiedenen Vorschlägen.
Shaping and living the future
As a free place to think, the "field" invites people from all over the world. In this way, the field becomes a catalyst for an ongoing process in which many scientific disciplines explore and create solutions together. At the same time, the field has served Siemens as a space of opportunity since its inception.
Work and life of the future
As a clear sign of excellence, the raised "2" illustrates the evolution that has always taken place here and that now characterizes the second generation of Siemensstadt. Internationally pronounced "Siemensstadt Square", the name also describes the new central square that is being created here and acts as an impulse generator and indicator for the future of the city as well as of Siemens.
The Berlin neighborhood of makers
With a strong Berlin connection, the term "Werk" conveys simplicity with a clear goal and is also often associated with social aspects. Thus, the name symbolizes many things for which Berlin is internationally respected and at the same time describes Siemensstadt as a showcase for Siemens' achievements.
A factory, created in the city
As Siemens' largest production site worldwide, the term underscores the importance of the site for industry. At the same time, it stands not only for a factory in the city, but also for a factory that wants to redefine urbanity and reshape cities of tomorrow together with the citizens.
From working title to final name?
The project began under the working title "Siemensstadt 2.0" - analogous to the current development of Industry 4.0. A name that has already become commonplace in many places and characterizes the development progress of the project. Should it also stand for the district of tomorrow?