Under the title "Climate Day of the Zukunftsorte 2023", Berlin's Zukunftsorte will take part in this year's Berlin Science Week on 7 November 2023 at Tempelhof Airport. With exciting contributions from research and practice, their ideas, and solutions for dealing with climate change will be showcased.
As one of eleven Zukunftsorte, Siemensstadt Square will of course also be there. Alyssa Westkamp from the Siemensstadt Square team will give a keynote speech on the topic of biodiversity and present our "Bee-monitoring in Siemensstadt Square" project.
At the same time, the Zukunftsorte are taking Climate Day as an opportunity to present their new climate catalogue to the public. This collection of 60 projects and initiatives illustrate, with practical examples, what innovative things are happening in Berlin to mitigate climate change.
We’re excited!
Registration for the Climate Day
For all those who cannot be there live: