Step by step, discover more and find out what the future will bring: Explore the center of the new city quarter with us today or walk through the mosaic hall of the administration building. Right in the middle. Without being there.
The further development of Siemensstadt Square in film
See and learn how a closed industrial area is developing into an open Smart Campus. Find out about the plans for the Siemensstadt Square of tomorrow. Virtual animations, models and graphics illustrate the next steps and goals of the new Siemensstadt Square.
Experience the Siemensstadt Square of tomorrow virtually today
The new Siemensstadt Square entrée - Explore the designs digitally
In the "Transformation 2022 - Switch!" competition, students at five German universities developed concepts for an urban use of the historic “Schaltwerkhallen” production sites in Siemensstadt Square. An online exhibition documents details of the competition and allows the students to present their ideas.
Virtual tour through the exhibition of the building construction competition
17 ideas for the new Siemensstadt Square - Virtual tour through the exhibition of the urban planning competition
On the occasion of the Open Monument Day 2021, the monuments of Siemensstadt tell their story