1st tour for the design of Snøhetta Oslo AS

Snøhetta Oslo AS achieved the first tour of the urban planning competition with their design for the new Siemensstadt in Berlin.

Gallery of the Snøhetta Oslo AS design


Kjetil Trædal Thorsen, Jenny B. Osuldsen


Jette Cathrin Hopp, Pål Eide Hasselberg, Ole Petter Steen, Marius Hauland Næss, Dalia Karg, Robert Oseland, Tine Hegli, Farre Nixon, Shannon Rafferty

Specialist advisers

Traffic planning: Burkhard Horn / Mobilität & Verkehr – Strategie & Planung, Berlin, Burkhard Horn; Moe a/s Rådgivende Ingeniører, Søborg, Michael D. Grønlykke
Energy/sustainability: Bollinger + Grohmann Ingeniører AS, Oslo, Michael Lommertz; Multiconsult AS, Oslo, Bjørn Thorud